Sacred Garden: Cultivating Religious Literacy

Enoch's Secrets: A Journey Through the Heavens

Alexandra Virginia Season 1 Episode 2

Get ready for an incredible journey! This episode explores The book of the Secrets of Enoch (commonly known as 2 Enoch), chapters 24-32, where Enoch travels through celestial realms and encounters divine mysteries. We'll unpack the symbolism, discuss the angelic hierarchy, and ponder the secrets revealed to Enoch. Join us for a friendly and thought-provoking discussion. 

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The biblical stories featured in this episode are drawn from the Tanakh. We encourage you to explore these rich texts further by obtaining your own copy HERE. This podcast serves as a starting point for reflection and discussion, and we believe engaging directly with the scriptures will deepen your understanding. Please read along and join us again for further insights and open conversation.

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